You can use global variable "override_factions" for debug. If has "reserve" tacom state in objective with center in, then respawn is on - else respawn is off and instance of this script is ending. Vehicle respawn is working only into ALiVE opcom objective (town, military base, custum placement). Simple Vehicle Respawn Script v1.81 for Arma 3 I think, for do this (for respawn vehicle) need one vehicle manager and callback function (notify resiver), not loop through OPCOM_instances, or not? or it's script is normal? /* Each vehicle has instance of this script: )] execVM "respawn_vehicle.sqf" Įach instance has loop on observe OPCOM_instances. Code inside string has to return boolean.Hellow! I find some vehicle respawn script and edit it for ALiVE intergration. Parameter(s): 0: Object - Object to take the loadout from 1: String - Class name of the respawn loadout 2: String - Display name of the respawn loadout 3: String - Icon path displayed next to display name 4: String - Loadouts are assigned to a role, possible values: "Assistant" "CombatLifeSaver" "Crewman" "Default" "Grenadier" "MachineGunner" "Marksman" "MissileSpecialist" "Rifleman" "Sapper" "SpecialOperative" "Unarmed" 5: String - Condition for the respawn loadout to be shown. Content is copied to clipboard and returned by function. * Author: R3vo Description: Retrieves loadout of unit and formats it for CfgRespawnLoadouts. The following function will copy a complete respawn inventory to your clipboard, see function header for more information.description.ext respawn = 3 respawnTemplates = When none is left, BIRD respawn is used instead. Respawn to the next available playable unit of the same side (selected using team switch window). Respawn to the next available playable unit in a group. Alternatively you can also use the Respawn Position module. More about marker respawn can be found here. When no markers are defined, player is respawned on position where he started the mission. You can have multiple markers simply by adding any text behind the name, e.g. respawn (used only when side variant is not found).Respawn on a marker(s) start by following strings: